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Our Shikhar 25 initiative identifies and accelerates improvements in projects related to operational excellence across the value chain.

Launched in FY16, Shikar 25 aims to achieve benchmark levels while building institutional capability. As of March 2017, the initiative has resulted in a total savings of $706.183 Mn.

Stepping up production at West Bokaro
In FY17, the coal produced replaced the imported coal to steer a cost benefit of Rs. 3000/tonne. The team reduced idle capacity to increase CC volume that helped avoid vessel bunching and waiting at port. Further, we started to source coal from public sector mines. The raw coal volume was increased by debottlenecking the evacuation route from the quarry to the washeries. This led to a dramatic increase in clean coal volume by 43% over FY ’16.

Moreover, we also launched the analytical tool, Sathi to monitor lead indicator and thus enable proactive action.

Increase in sinter net production through stabilisation & reliability improvement
Our sinter plant crossed the 8 MTPA net sinter production (Indian benchmark). It is the only sinter plant in India with Stack Emission 46% Sinter in Blast Furnace Burden. This helped us achieve a total savings of INR 20 crores accrued in FY-17.

Development of an optimisation model to minimise transition losses at LD2
The model identifies the best possible grade/chemistry to be produced, checks order availability, and guides the steel maker to modify the plan accordingly. This model led to reduction in transition losses by 40-50% and a total savings of INR 30 crores.

Reduction of idle freight and logistic costs
Installing IR certified in-motion weight bridge, load cells in pay-loaders, and increasing the height of loading in coke wagons resulted in reduction of idle freight. The significant reduction in logistic costs was brought together due to consolidation of cargo with third parties and transshipment, as well as restructuring of legacy contracts with key suppliers at ports. The overall result was reflected in the reduced landed logistics cost by 12% over w.r.t FY16.
