Consolidated Net worth – Total Equity (₹ crore) 1,05,175
Consolidated Net debt (₹ crore) 67,810
India 21.6
Europe 12
South East Asia 1.7
facilities - Own (Nos)1 40
Patents filed (nos.) 154
R&D spend (₹ crore) 859
Employees on roll (nos.)9 77,000+
Investment in employee training and Development (₹ crore)1 193
Employee training (thousand person-days) 519
TSL 23.43
TSLP 41.06
TSUK 23.34
TSN 18.82
TSTH 5.06
TSL 2.62
TSLP 5.81
TSUK2 9.84
TSN2 5.21
TSTH 1.09
Capital spends on environment, social and governance matters ( ` crore) 3,304
Raw Material consumption (MnT)3 65
Total dealers (nos.) 20,478
Total distributors (nos.) 267
Active supplier base (nos.) 12,872
CSR spend (₹ crore) 481
Steel Value Chain
Total materials mined1
Raw materials consumed3
Total deliveries
Enriched/value added product sales1
Number of SPCs1
Customer Satisfaction Index1
(score out of 100)
Enabling Functions
FG handled3
RM handled3
Employee Productivity1:
Number of Patents filled:
Revenue from by-products sale
Cumulative Value Potential created through digital projects1 (FY19 to FY23):
Enriched/value added product sales1
Turnover (` crore) 2,43,353
EBITDA (` crore) 32,698
Savings through Shikhar25 projects and Transformation Programmes (₹ crore)1 6,309
India 19.88
Europe 9.35
South East Asia 1.2
Patents granted (nos.) 307
New products developed (nos.) 107
Health index (Score out of 16) (nos.)1 13.1
Diversity - % women in the workforce5 8.3
TSL 885
TSLP 722
TSUK 352
TSN 660
TSTH 1,115
Diversity Mix (%)7, 1 18.95
LTI (nos.) 275
LTIFR (Index) 0.57
Workforce covered through formal workforce union(%)8 91
CO2 emission intensity (tCO2/tcs) 2.21
TSL 0.34
TSLP 1.30
TSUK 0.28
TSN 0.25
Solid waste utilisation (%)10 101.7
TSL 0.43
TSUK2 10.02
TSN2 34.29
TSL 78
TSUK 100
TSN 67
Customer satisfaction index (Steel) (out of 100)1 83.8
Business associates trained on TCoC (nos.)3 2,300
Supply chain partners assessed on Responsible Supply Chain Policy (nos.)1 211
Lives reached through CSR initiatives (Mn) 3.15+
Abbreviations: TSI - Tata Steel (India), NINL – Neelachal Ispat Nigam Limited, TSLP – Tata Steel Long Products, TSUK – Tata Steel UK Limited, TSN – Tata Steel Nederland BV, TSTH – Tata Steel Thailand, LTI – Lost Time Injuries LTIFR - Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate, TCOC – Tata Code of Conduct, tcs – per tonne of crude steel, SPCs – Steel processing centres.