Business Model

Fuelling progress


Financial Capital

Consolidated Net worth – Total Equity (₹ crore) 1,05,175

Consolidated Net debt (₹ crore) 67,810

Manufactured Capital

Region wise Installed capacity - Crude Steel in MnTPA

India 21.6

Europe 12

South East Asia 1.7

Steel Processing Centres and downstream

facilities - Own (Nos)1 40

Intellectual Capital

Patents filed (nos.) 154

R&D spend (₹ crore) 859

Human Capital

Employees on roll (nos.)9 77,000+

Investment in employee training and Development (₹ crore)1 193

Employee training (thousand person-days) 519

Natural Capital

Energy Intensity (GJ/tcs)11

TSL 23.43

TSLP 41.06

TSUK 23.34

TSN 18.82

TSTH 5.06

Specific fresh water consumption (m3/tcs)11

TSL 2.62

TSLP 5.81

TSUK2 9.84

TSN2 5.21

TSTH 1.09

Capital spends on environment, social and governance matters ( ` crore) 3,304

Raw Material consumption (MnT)3 65

Social and Relationship Capital

Total dealers (nos.) 20,478

Total distributors (nos.) 267

Active supplier base (nos.) 12,872

CSR spend (₹ crore) 481

Steel Value Chain



Total materials mined1

44.11 MnT

Processed Raw Materials

Raw materials consumed3

65 MnT

Iron Making


30.65 MnT

Steel Making

Total deliveries

28.79 MnT

Rolling Products

Enriched/value added product sales1

11.96 MnT

Processing Centres

Number of SPCs1


Demand Fulfillment

Customer Satisfaction Index1
(score out of 100)


Enabling Functions


Supply Chain

FG handled3

20 MnTPA

RM handled3

65 MnTPA

Human Resources

Employee Productivity1:



Number of Patents filled:



Revenue from by-products sale

`10,328 crore


Cumulative Value Potential created through digital projects1 (FY19 to FY23):

`8,612 crore


30.65 MnT


28.79 MnT


11.96 MnT

Enriched/value added product sales1

Financial Capital

Turnover (` crore) 2,43,353

EBITDA (` crore) 32,698

Savings through Shikhar25 projects and Transformation Programmes (₹ crore)1 6,309

Manufactured Capital4

Region wise production (MnT)

India 19.88

Europe 9.35

South East Asia 1.2

Intellectual Capital

Patents granted (nos.) 307

New products developed (nos.) 107

Human Capital

Health index (Score out of 16) (nos.)1 13.1

Diversity - % women in the workforce5 8.3

Employee productivity - (tcs/employee/year) (nos.)6

TSL 885

TSLP 722

TSUK 352

TSN 660

TSTH 1,115

Diversity Mix (%)7, 1 18.95

LTI (nos.) 275

LTIFR (Index) 0.57

Workforce covered through formal workforce union(%)8 91

Natural Capital

CO2 emission intensity (tCO2/tcs) 2.21

Stack Dust emission intensity (kg/tcs)11

TSL 0.34

TSLP 1.30

TSUK 0.28

TSN 0.25

Solid waste utilisation (%)10 101.7

Effluent discharge intensity (m3/tcs)11

TSL 0.43


TSUK2 10.02

TSN2 34.29


Social and Relationship Capital

Suppliers assessed based on safety (%)

TSL 78

TSUK 100

TSN 67

Customer satisfaction index (Steel) (out of 100)1 83.8

Business associates trained on TCoC (nos.)3 2,300

Supply chain partners assessed on Responsible Supply Chain Policy (nos.)1 211

Lives reached through CSR initiatives (Mn) 3.15+

  1. Tata Steel Limited
  2. Data is for Calendar Year 2022
  3. Data for only Tata Steel Limited including Tata Steel Long Products Limited
  4. Production numbers for consolidated financials are calculated using crude steel for India, liquid steel for Europe and saleable steel for South East Asia
  5. Diversity - % women in the workforce is defined as percentage of permanent women employees (officers + non-officers) as per Employee on Roll (EOR) report over total workforce
  6. Employee productivity is defined as amount of crude steel produced (in tonnes) per employee in the given year.
  7. Diversity mix (% of individuals who are Affirmative Action (AA)/Women/Persons with Disabilities (PWD)/Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ+) over EOR)

Abbreviations: TSI - Tata Steel (India), NINL – Neelachal Ispat Nigam Limited, TSLP – Tata Steel Long Products, TSUK – Tata Steel UK Limited, TSN – Tata Steel Nederland BV, TSTH – Tata Steel Thailand, LTI – Lost Time Injuries LTIFR - Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate, TCOC – Tata Code of Conduct, tcs – per tonne of crude steel, SPCs – Steel processing centres.

  1. For Non-Managerial staff for Indian operations only
  2. Employees on Roll - No. of permanent employees of Company (officers + non-officers) except those on deputation + doctors on contract
  3. Waste from last year was utillised this year hence, it is marked above 100%
  4. Only crude steel making sites