Contribution to UN SDGs

Embracing the global call for holistic development for people and the planet, we, at Tata Steel, have aligned our operations and CSR activities with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals to ensure a better future.

Embracing shared goals for sustainable development

The United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) provide a common 2030 sustainable development agenda for nations across the world with 193 countries coming together in agreement on a comprehensive and ambitious development agenda for people and planet. Tata Steel has always been a leader in contributing to the achievement of goals which have been codified under the SDGs through its operations, products, people and community welfare practices.

Through our business processes and Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives, primarily in and around the areas of our operations, we contribute to 15 out of the 17 Goals, prioritised through an intensive and multi-pronged approach considering National/Regional context, current company contribution and opportunity to create greater impact. A total of 68 targets have been prioritised across the 15 Goals.

Linkage of the prioritised SDG Goals with the six capitals of the framework <IR> caters to value creation for our stakeholders and the business as we respond to the legitimate needs and stakeholder interests, with an intent to create a sustainable impact.

Our strategic objectives and enablers are balanced across all stakeholders in the entire value chain, resulting in long-term sustainability for the organisation.

0 targets

Prioritised across 15 Goals

Relevant targets 3/7
Agriculture and allied activities

Households covered through improved
agricultural practices (nos.)

Increase in average household
income of farmers (`)

IR Capitals linkage

Skill development

Youth skilled and gainfully engaged
through various courses (nos.)

72 youth skilled and supported for

TSL SO/SE linkage

Community enterprises

Women engaged in
micro-enterprises (nos.)

Increase in additional income of women entrepreneurs (`)

Relevant targets 4/8
Maternal and Newborn Survival Initiative

3.3% of under-5 children across Kolhan division, Jharkhand identified with Severe Acute Malnutrition

58% of the identified Severely Acute Malnourished children taken out of it

IR Capitals linkage

Agriculture and allied activities

Increase in harvested major crop yield (quintals/acre)

TSL SO/SE linkage

Skill development

Indicators explained in

Community Enterprises

Indicators explained in

Relevant targets 4/13
Maternal and Newborn Survival Initiative

44% of the identified underage married girls in Kolhan division, Jharkhand, successfully delayed pregnancy

14,595 out of 29,719 identified high risk cases among women and children identified in East Singhbhum, Seraikela -Kharsawan and West Singhbhum in Jharkhand and in Keonjhar district in Odisha, cured

IR Capitals linkage

Public health

13% of eligible population in certain districts of Jharkhand and Odisha screened for Non-Communicable Diseases in the panchayat

2,148 households in certain areas of West Bokaro and Meramandali, covered with indoor residual spray for prevention of Vector Borne Diseases

People reached through outreach healthcare services

TSL SO/SE linkage

Relevant targets 8/10
Education Signature Programme

140 Panchayats from Jharkhand and Odisha attaining and declaring themselves as Child Labour Free Zones

66 Resource Centres being run in community partnership

Model Schools

30 Model Schools constructed, equipped, and handed over to the Government of Odisha


Children from Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group engaged under the learning curriculum

Community Enterprises

Explained in

IR Capitals linkage

Skill development

Girls among youth enrolled in skill courses

Girls among total youth skilled and placed

Computer Skills & English learning

Youth/Children being covered through Computer & English courses (nos.)

Disability linked initiatives (SABAL)

Persons with Disability linked to livelihoods (nos.)

Green School Project

16,757 children reached directly through schools

45 schools brought under the project

TSL SO/SE linkage

Pre-Matric Coaching

Children covered through pre-matric coaching (nos.)

Jyoti Fellowship

5,608 Jyoti Fellowships provided (3,645 girls)

526 Schools Reached

Masti Ki Pathshala

1,631 children of Jamshedpur affected by worst forms of child labour covered through Residential and Non-residential bridge course

School Infrastructure

56 school infrastructure projects completed

Tata Steel Scholars

Female scholars among total scholars

Employee Training

Employee training (in person days)

ESG Factsheet

Employee training (person-days/ employee/ year) ESG Factsheet

Relevant targets 4/9
DISHA Programme

101 social issues taken up by women leaders in certain districts in Jharkhand and Odisha

212 women leaders representing in various decision-making institutions (Panchayati Raj Institution)


women participated in rural institutions

7 community led initiatives (We for Change) undertaken

52 issues raised by women in Gram Sabha and decisions taken

IR Capitals linkage

Maternal and Newborn Survival Initiative

Explained in

Gender equality at workplace

Female employees in workforce ESG Factsheet

Female employees in management positions in workforce ESG Factsheet

Male and Female Median Salary BRSR

TSL SO/SE linkage

Relevant targets 8/8

IR Capitals linkage

Water Conservation in the community


lives reached through water
conservation activities

478 water harvesting structures

TSL SO/SE linkage

Drinking Water Systems

Water Conservation within the organisation

Total freshwater consumption ESG Factsheet

Specific freshwater consumption ESG Factsheet

Relevant targets 2/5
Energy intensity and Renewable Energy

Renewable power BRSR

Specific energy consumption ESG Factsheet

IR Capitals linkage

TSL SO/SE linkage

Relevant targets 7/12
Agriculture and allied activities
Skill development
Community enterprises

Explained in

Disability linked initiatives (SABAL)
Jyoti Fellowship
Tata Steel Scholars
Masti Ki Pathshala
Education Signature Programme

Explained in

IR Capitals linkage

Employee representation, turnover and productivity

% workforce covered through formal trade unions ESG Factsheet

Turnover per employee per year ESG Factsheet

Employee productivity ESG Factsheet

Workplace safety

Lost Time Injuries ESG Factsheet

Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate ESG Factsheet

Fatalities ESG Factsheet

TSL SO/SE linkage

Relevant targets 4/8
Development Corridor

36 panchayats have developed Gram Panchayat Development Plans where corridor fellows ensured organisation of Gram Sabhas through active participation of villagers

12,000+ individuals linked to various development schemes and Government initiatives through the efforts of standing committees


2,04,082 lives reached through infrastructure projects

1,032 infrastructures created/renovated

IR Capitals linkage

Research and Development (R&D)

R&D Spend ESG Factsheet

R&D and technology professionals ESG Factsheet

Patents granted ESG Factsheet

TSL SO/SE linkage


Number of Employees BRSR

New employees hires ESG Factsheet

Contract workforce ESG Factsheet

Relevant targets 2/10
Agriculture and allied activities
Skill development
Community Enterprises
Disability linked initiatives (SABAL)
Masti Ki Pathshala
Education Signature Programme
DISHA Programme

Explained in

IR Capitals linkage

Development Corridor

Explained in

Samvaad Ecosystem

50% of Regional Samvaad conducted independently by network in respective geographies

4 hotels adopted tribal cuisines in their menu

2 platforms created through Samudaay Ke Saath for dialogue on films made on or by Adivasi communities

Rhythms Of The Earth band visible on 5 national platforms

3 market editions of Johar Haat

TSL SO/SE linkage

Two common tribal languages are introduced in public schools of 12 blocks >

3 Tribal sports academies established

12 papers written and published by Samvaad Fellows

96 youth leaders engaged through Tribal Leadership Programme (TLP)

10 social issues addressed by the youth TLP network

Diversity Mix (% of employees who belong to categories of - Affirmative Action/Women/ PWD/LGBTQIA+) ESG Factsheet

Relevant targets 8/11
Samvaad Ecosystem

Explained in

IR Capitals linkage

Emission Intensity - Dust, SOx, NOx
ESG Factsheet

TSL SO/SE linkage

Relevant targets 8/11
Johar Haat

72 tribal artisans

3 editions of Johar Haat

Sales generated `9 lakh (approx.)

Water Conservation

Explained in

IR Capitals linkage

Waste management

Solid waste generation, utilisation and disposal ESG Factsheet

Steel scrap recycling ESG Factsheet

No. of critical supply chain partners assessed on Responsible Supply Chain Policy ESG Factsheet

TSL SO/SE linkage

Relevant targets 3/5
Green School Project

Explained in

Water Conservation

Explained in

IR Capitals linkage

Greenhouse Emission

Total Greenhouse gas emission and Greenhouse gas emission intensity Climate Change Report ESG Factsheet

TSL SO/SE linkage

Relevant targets 8/12
Water Conservation

Explained in

Biodiversity Management Plans

Total sites covered under Biodiversity Management Plans ESG Factsheet

IR Capitals linkage

TSL SO/SE linkage

Relevant targets 2/19
Collaborations with technology providers, startups and academia

No of collaborations with technical institutes and other external agenciesESG Factsheet

Collaborations with NGOs and other social agencies for community development initiatives

No. of collaborations with NGOs ESG Factsheet

IR Capitals linkage

TSL SO/SE linkage