
At Tata Steel, we make concerted efforts to prioritise the concerns of our key stakeholders. We use the Materiality Assessment approach to engage with all our stakeholder groups, in order to understand their key issues and focus areas.

Prioritising issues key to value creation

We have conducted periodic materiality exercise since FY2012-13, covering key areas, such as economy, environment, community, supply chain, governance, people, human rights, amongst others, and have used the outcome to align our business strategy, strategic objectives and long-term plans. These material topics have helped us identify Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) risks and opportunities for the Company.

We have refreshed our Materiality Assessment in FY2022-23 and undertaken the assessment on a consolidated basis, through a structured external stakeholder consultation process, undertaken by an independent agency and aligned with international best practices.

We have followed the approach of double materiality in our Materiality Assessment, as below:

Impact Materiality

  • Considers impacts on people and the environment
  • Determined by the scale, scope and irremediable character

Financial Materiality

  • Considers the effects on the financials of the organisation
  • Determined by risks and opportunities

Tata Steel’s Materiality Assessment has been conducted in accordance with the guidance provided by key standard setting bodies, including Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and the Integrated Reporting Framework, covering both general standards and sector specific standards related to iron and steel industry, metals and mining Industry.

The first step in the Materiality Assessment was identification of key stakeholders. As per the AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard, the Company have engaged with the following stakeholders:

  • Senior Management
  • Investors (debt and equity)
  • Employees
  • Contractual Workforce
  • Community
  • Suppliers
  • Customers
  • Media
  • Regulatory Bodies
  • Industry Bodies
  • Non-government organisations

High priority materiality issues (FY2022-23)

Based on the independent analysis, the following high priority Material Issues have been identified from the set of material topic listed for Tata Steel on a consolidated basis:

Tata Steel Meramandali


Greenhouse Gas Emissions & Climate Change Management


Tata Steel has set an ambitious target to achieve net zero emissions by 2045. Tata Steel has published its strategy to mitigate Climate Change related risks in its Climate Change Report as a part of Tata Steel’s Integrated Report for FY2022-23.


Greenhouse Gas Emissions – Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3, Emission intensity per tonne of crude steel

Capital linkage

SDG linkage


Circular Economy/
Recycling of By-products


Tata Steel is looking at two approaches for value creation from waste and by-products:
a. Maximise the usage of scrap in steelmaking
b. Maximise revenue from sale of by-products.


Total steel scrap recycled (internal and external), total solid waste generated, total solid waste utilised

Capital linkage

SDG linkage


Water Consumption and
Effluent Discharge


We are taking a holistic approach to water management by minimising water requirement and simultaneously reusing effluent water after treatment by setting up effluent treatment plants. Tata Steel is also reusing treated municipal wastewater and has water harvesting infrastructure across multiple locations.


Total fresh water consumption, Total effluent discharge volume

Capital linkage

SDG linkage


Energy Efficiency/Energy


Tata Steel is committed to energy conservation and energy efficiency in all areas of operation using best available technologies to enhance energy efficiency and by deploying renewable energy projects.


Total energy consumption, specific energy consumption, renewable energy consumptions

Capital linkage

SDG linkage


Occupational Health and


Tata Steel’s safety and health responsibilities are driven by our commitment to zero harm to the people we work with, and the community at large.


Lost-time Injury, Lost-time Injury Frequency Rate, Fatalities

Capital linkage

SDG linkage


Air Pollution/Air Quality


We are committed to identifying, assessing and managing our air emissions to ensure healthy air quality, by investing in upgradation of pollution control equipment, installation of ‘De-NOx’ facilities, installation of new dust extraction.


Stack SOx emission, stack NOx emission, stack dust emission

Capital linkage

SDG linkage




Tata Steel aims at integrating biodiversity into our business ecosystem by committing to conserve, enhance and restore biodiversity in all of our operations and across the supply chain. We aspire to achieve No Net Loss of Biodiversity.


Total sites covered under Biodiversity Management Plans (BMP), Total area covered under BMP

Capital linkage

SDG linkage


Research and Development/ Technology, Product and Process Innovation


Tata Steel aspires to be among the top 5 global technology leaders in the steel industry and has consistently used technology and innovation to build a rich portfolio of future ready products and is actively engaged in the development and pilot of various low carbon steelmaking technologies.


Total collaborations/memberships of academia and technical institutes, Total number of patents filed & granted, Total number of new products developed

Capital linkage

SDG linkage


Supply Chain


Tata Steel has formulated Responsible Supply Chain Policy to address sustainability in supply chain and regularly assesses its supply chain partners on the Policy and organises training and awareness sessions.


Scope 3 emissions, Active supplier base, Local suppliers – no. & volume, Affirmative Action suppliers – no. & volume, Supplier assessments, supplier awareness and training

Capital linkage

SDG linkage

Automation Centre, Tata Steel Jamshedpur


Employee Well-being and
Development Sustainability


Tata Steel recognises that people are its primary source of competitiveness and designs management practices to enrich the quality of life of its employees, develop their potential and maximise their productivity. Additional details of Tata Steel’s employee well-being initiatives are provided in the Company’s Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report.


No. of employees, employee productivity, employee training, workforce covered through formal trade unions, employee gender ratio, employee diversity mix

Capital linkage

SDG linkage


Community Support and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)/Building Thriving Communities


Tata Steel firmly believes in the health and welfare of its people, the community and society are intrinsic to its approach to business.

Tata Steel engages in open and transparent dialogue with members of the community to understand their concerns and tries to address them through various initiatives. Further details of Tata Steel’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities and community engagement is provided in the Company’s Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report.


Lives reached through CSR, CSR spend and various CSR initiatives of the Company

Capital linkage

SDG linkage


Corporate Governance


Tata Steel has laid a strong corporate governance foundation which is led by an active, well informed and independent Board and supported by Board committees. This is well supported by the Company's Ethical governance Framework and the Enterprise Risk Management practices of the Company.


Board/committee governance, Disclosures & Reporting, Ethics & Compliance, Risk management, Succession planning & executive compensation

Capital linkage

SDG linkage


Business Ethics, Integrity, and Transparency


Tata Steel strives for global leadership in standards of ethics, based on the strong foundation of Tata Values and the Tata Code of Conduct (TCoC) and its principles underpinned by a formalised Management of Business Ethics Framework and commitment to transparency.


Whistle-blower cases closed, Sexual harassment cases closed, Deployment of Anti-bribery and Anti-corruption policy, trainings on TCoC for Employees and Supply chain partners

Capital linkage

SDG linkage


Stakeholder Engagement

Tata Steel's Approach

At Tata Steel, we seek to balance the needs, interests and expectations of all stakeholders with those of the business through an integrated and inclusive process.

Tata Steel also undertakes regular Materiality Assessment to understand key issues for various stakeholder groups and incorporates them in its wider strategy.


Stakeholder grievance management forums, stakeholder grievances addressed during the year

Capital linkage

SDG linkage


Risk Management


Tata Steel has put in place a welldefined Enterprise Risk Management framework based on international standards like Committee of Sponsoring Organisation ('COSO') of the Treadway Commission and ISO 31000.


Identification, monitoring measurement, and mitigation plans for key risks

Capital linkage

SDG linkage

Committed to Safety
