Tata Steel Safety Excellence Journey With DuPont “ Safety By Choice – Tata Steel Voice” – 20th Oct’04
Tata Steel, largest private sector integrated steel plant in India, is rated as one of the best plant worldwide and has acquired expertise in steel making. We have achieved several milestones in many areas of business; we also aspire to be world class in safety performance. Our aspiration is to bring a change in our philosophy; to imbibe a culture of 24 hours safety in and around us - safety at home, in town and on streets
is equally important for us.
Tata Steel believes that the steel plant can run without accidents. It is our firm conviction that all causes of accidents are man made and can be solved by men. Tata Steel’s commitment to zero incidents is evident by the fact that 2004 has been declared as ‘Year of Safety’. To reiterate our commitment, we have now engaged DuPont, which is known world wide as World Class Safety Performing Company. It is more than 200 years old and has helped many organizations like BHP Steel, Australia; Atlanta Airlines, Hyundai development Company, South Korea in enhancing their safety performance. DuPont is also consultant to International Iron & Steel
Institute (IISI).
DuPont has evaluated the existing Safety Management System at Tata Steel against criteria of World Class Safety Performance and identified the areas of opportunities. We have now initiated our journey of Safety excellence and a MOU is being signed which will lay foundation for relationship with DuPont. The plans for next five years will be formulated in tune with our expansion programme. It will set the trend in human behaviour not only at work place but also influence off the job behaviour.
Dr. T Mukherjee, Dy MD (Steel), Tata Steel today rolled out the Safety Excellence Journey with DuPont “ Safety by Choice – Tata Steel Voice”, “SURAKSHA KA ACHUK ERADA, TATA STEEL KA ATUT VADA” at a glittering function in Steelenium Hall of the Steel Works along with Mr. Roger Moore, President, DuPont Safety Resources, Asia Pacific & Mr. R B B Singh, President Tata Workers Union.