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Tata Steel Family Initiatives Foundation wins FICCI AWARD

Jamshedpur, December 24, 2005

The Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh conferred the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) Award to Tata Steel Family Initiatives Foundation (TSFIF), on the occasion of its 78th Annual General Meeting, at New Delhi on Saturday, December 24, 2005. Dr. V. Jagannath, Head (FI), Tata Steel received the award on behalf of the Company for the sixth time in all and thrice for family initiatives. Former Hon’ble Chief Justice of India, P N Bhagwati, headed the jury.

The history of TSFIF can be traced back to the 1950s when it was launched in Jamshedpur with the objective of ensuring delivery of comprehensive reproductive services at an affordable cost so as to enhance the quality the life of people through adoption of small family norm. TSFIF covers a wide spectrum of heterogeneous population, such as groups of industrial workers, urban bustees and rural community dwellers within the steel city and in the rural areas in a radius of 10-20 kms.

TSFIF has 21 exclusively maternal and child health clinics which provide antenatal, post natal and immunization services. During last year, around 6000 pregnant ladies registered in the clinic. It also conducted Laproscopic Tubal ligations camps in the outreach area with the support of District Administration (Civil Surgeon) at different Public Health Centres. A total of 5513 tubal ligations were done and in spacing methods, 1295 IUCDs were inserted.

TSFIF has committed to the national efforts for population stabilisation since the year 1952. It has worked to improve the reproductive and sexual health of the communities by focussing on Maternal and Child Health, Quality of Care, HIV/AIDS, Family Planning and Gender. The figures have shown that the reproductive indicators of the district are far ahead than the national targets however there is a constant need to work with the communities. TSFIF has adopted a holistic approach while working with the communities. It has initiated schemes that are both clinic and programme based and provides a wide range of services and counseling in family planning, from terminal to permanent methods with informed choices.

Tata Steel has since its inception believed that the ‘community’ is the purpose of an enterprise. The Company, over the nearly-century old-partnership with the State, has set sustainability standards that do not have a match in the world. The growth of the steel plant in terms of technology and profitability over the years has always been matched by sustainable corporate welfare measures designed to "improve the quality of life" of the communities it serves. It has been conducting various community welfare programmes in the country. It has set benchmarks in corporate social responsibility and corporate governance.
