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Letter to stock Exchange - Corus Shareholders approve Scheme of Arrangement

March 07, 2007

The Manager- Listing
National Stock Exchange of India Ltd.
Exchange Plaza,
Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (E),
Mumbai 400 051.

The Secretary,
Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd.
Dalal Street,
Mumbai 400 001.

Dear Sirs,

Re: Corus Group Plc.- Results of Court Convened Meeting and EGM

We are pleased to announce that at the meeting convened by the Court and held earlier today, 7 March 2007, (the "Court Meeting") and at the subsequent Extraordinary General Meeting the scheme of arrangement (the "Scheme") to implement the recommended offer for Corus by Tata Steel UK Limited, a wholly-owned indirect subsidiary of the Company at a price of 608 pence per ordinary share in cash (the "Tata Offer") was considered. At both the Court Meeting and the Extraordinary General Meeting, Shareholders approved the Scheme by the requisite majority.

Voting Results

The voting results in relation to the Court Meeting and Extraordinary General Meeting are summarised below:

Court Meeting

Resolution Description For Votes % Against Votes %
To approve the Scheme 226,783,105 97.43 5,988,195 2.57

Extraordinary General Meeting

Res'n Description For Votes % Against Votes % Abstentions

Special resolution to approve the Scheme, to amend the Articles of Association of the Company, to cancel all the Cancellation Shares and the Corus Deferred Shares, to reduce the share capital of the Company, to increase the authorised capital of the Company and to authorise the allotment of shares.

227,167,597 97.48 5,866,894 2.52 2,252,884

In total, 31,985 shareholders holding, in aggregate, 232,771,300 shares attended the Court Meeting in person and shareholders holding, in aggregate, 233,034,491 shares attended the Extraordinary General Meeting in person.

The announcement released in London today is enclosed herewith.

This is for your information.

Yours faithfully,
Tata Steel Limited


(J.C. Bham)
Company Secretary
