Tata Steel wins Make Asia Award for the fifth time
Tata Steel has won the Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise (MAKE) Asia Award 2008 for the fifth time. This prestigious award was received by Mr. H Jha, Vice President (Safety and Long Products), Tata Steel during a special award ceremony at the 9th World Knowledge Forum at Seoul in Korea. Mr. Jha also gave the keynote address at the function.
This year's award is special for Tata Steel since for the first time, out of the 16 Companies that were given this award, Tata Steel has been recognised as the overall Asian MAKE Winner - 1st position. Tata Steel was given the 2nd position when it had won the award in 2006. Prior to this, the Company has won this award earlier in the year 2003, 2004 and 2007.
The study that was conducted to judge the winner, Tata Steel's strength were in the following areas of -
Knowledge - driven enterprise culture - 1st position
Developing knowledge workers through senior management leadership - 1st position
Delivering enterprise value based on customer knowledge - 1st position
The 2008 Asian MAKE Winners were chosen by a panel of Asian Fortune Global 500 business executives and leading knowledge management and intellectual capital experts. The expert panel rated organizations against the MAKE framework of eight key knowledge performance dimensions which are the visible drivers of competitive advantage.
The 2008 Asian MAKE Winners have been recognized as leaders in:
Creating a knowledge-driven corporate culture
Developing knowledge leaders and workers
Innovation (R&D, creativity and new product/solution/service design and delivery)
Maximizing enterprise intellectual capital
Collaboration and knowledge sharing
Creating a learning organization
Managing stakeholder knowledge
Transforming corporate knowledge into shareholder value