All India Football Federations organises Certificate distribution ceremony for 'D' License course in association with TFA and Jharkhand Football Association
The All India Football Federations ‘D’ Licence Course had been scheduled at Tata Football Academy in association with the Jharkhand Football Association from May 24th – 29th , 2016. A total of 30 coaches from Ranchi, Bokaro, Odisha, TSRDS including two Ex TFA Cadets, Bimal Birua and Rahul Raj had registered for this course. The course was conducted by Mr. Akshaya Das, Coach TFA, who is also qualified instructor for the above Course.
The course was inaugurated on 24th May 2016 by Mr. Zuber Alam, Jt. Secretary, Jharkhand Football Association in the presence of Mr. Mukul Choudhari, Administrator TFA & Sports. This was the first time that such a course was conducted at TFA by Jharkhand Football Association. Out of the 30 who had appeared for the course 16 were declared successful, which includes 2 from TFA.
On September 6, 2016 the Certificates were distributed to the participants by Mr. Zuber Alam, Jt. Secretary, Jharkhand Football Association at Tata Football Academy. Also present on the occasion was Mr. Mukul Choudhari, Administrator, TFA & Sports. The names of the candidates who cleared the course are as follows:
- Mr. Iftekhar Alam
- Md. Aqueel
- M Rahul Rah
- Ashok Kumar Tudu
- Rashid Mehdi
- Kunu Ram baskey
- Dharmender Singh