P K Banerjee, Head, Raw materials and Coke making Research Group was awarded the “Metallurgist of the Year 2009” by the Ministry of Steel, India
Arunansu Haldar, Head, Product Research Group received the honour of “Eminent Materials Engineer 2010” at the 23rd National Convention of Metallurgical and Materials Engineers of the Institution of Engineers
Tanmay Bhattacharyya, Researcher, Product Research Group received the “M S Khan Memorial Award – 2009” from the Indian Institute of Metals, Jamshedpur Chapter
N Bandyopadhyay, Head, Coated Product Research Group was selected as a member of the national audit team of CII-Corrosion Management Committee
Sumitesh Das, Head, Materials Modeling and Product Design Research Group was recognized as the AICTE-INAE Distinguished Visiting Professor
Sumitesh Das, Shantanu Chakrabarti, Deb Roy, Subhrakanti Chakraborty, V K Nirala and Jayabrata Bhaduri – The team won the Tata Innovista 2009 award in the ‘Promising Innovation’ category for the project ‘CoolFast H2’
Vilas Tathavadkar, Vikas Singh, T C Janghel and Avtar Singh – The team won the Tata Innovista 2009 award in the ‘Promising Innovation’ category for the project ‘Hydrogen Harvesting’
A K Guin, S K Nayak, T K Rout, N Bandyopadhyay and D K Sengupta – The team won the best paper award in the World CORCON 2009 conference for the paper ‘Characterization and performance evaluation of nanohybrid Ti-sol-gel coatings’ in the Transport and Automobiles category
M Murugananth and Sumitesh Das – The team was one of the Regional finalists in Tata Innovista 2009 in the ‘Promising Innovation’ category for the project ‘HIPOPPS’