105th Annual Report 2011-2012

NVG Principles

Principle 1
Principle 2
Principle 3
Principle 4
Principle 5
Principle 6
Principle 7
Principle 8

Principle 9

NVG Principles

  Principle 1:
Governing our business on the foundation of ethics, transparency and accountability.
  Principle 2:
Manufacturing safe, strong and sustainable steel.
  Principle 3:
Promoting the well-being of all our employees.
  Principle 4:
Engaging with stakeholders, including the disadvantaged, vulnerable and marginalised.
  Principle 5:
Respecting and promoting human rights within and outside the work space.
  Principle 6:
Respecting, protecting and restoring the environment.
  Principle 7:
Shouldering the responsibility of policy creation.
  Principle 8:
Understanding and minimising negative effects of our actions on social and economic development.
  Principle 9:
Engaging and providing value to customers and end consumers.