Aligned with Tata Steel’s goal of achieving Net Zero emissions by 2045, we have created a bouquet of solutions. One such is the introduction of a certificate-based, low-carbon emission steel solution, Zeremis® with the potential to reduce CO2 intensity by up to 100%. ‘Zeremis’ is a creative blend of ‘zero’ and ‘emissions’, which represents our collaborative journey with customers towards a circular world with zero carbon emission. Tata Steel is also planning to transition to hydrogen-powered Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) technology as part of its goal for carbon-neutral steelmaking in the Netherlands. Tata Steel also offers Carbon Lite solution from its UK operations under the brand name Optemis™ Carbon Lite. Further, it is setting up a scrap-based electric arc furnace steel plant at Ludhiana, Punjab, India.
Zeremis® Lite and Optemis™ Lite
certificate based low carbon steel products in Europe