The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a universal call to action launched by the United Nations (UN) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.
Since the launch of the SDGs, Tata Steel is committed to contributing to the achievement of SDGs through its operations, products, people and community welfare practices. As a responsible corporate citizen, we have conducted an internal assessment to arrive at the list of prioritised SDGs and relevant targets for the Company based on national/regional context, current impact and opportunity to create greater impact.
The prioritised SDGs for Tata Steel as a result of this assessment are mentioned below:
Dimna Lake View, Jamshedpur
The SDGs are integral to the identification of our material issues, which in turn, feeds into our strategic planning process, resulting in the formulation of our Strategic Objectives (SOs) and Strategic Enablers (SEs). These SOs and SEs are realised through the process of managing our Capitals (financial, intellectual, manufactured, human, natural, social & relationship) and thereby contribute to the achievement of the UN SDGs as depicted in the chart below:
No. of SDG targets relevant for Tata Steel out of the total targets for SDG 1
Linkage with Tata Steel SO/SE
SELinked Capital
No. of SDG targets relevant for Tata Steel out of the total targets for SDG 2
Linkage with Tata Steel SO/SE
SELinked Capital
No. of SDG targets relevant for Tata Steel out of the total targets for SDG 3
Linkage with Tata Steel SO/SE
SELinked Capital
No. of SDG targets relevant for Tata Steel out of the total targets for SDG 4
Linkage with Tata Steel SO/SE
SELinked Capital
No. of SDG targets relevant for Tata Steel out of the total targets for SDG 5
Linkage with Tata Steel SO/SE
SELinked Capital
No. of SDG targets relevant for Tata Steel out of the total targets for SDG 6
Linkage with Tata Steel SO/SE
SO4 SELinked Capital
No. of SDG targets relevant for Tata Steel out of the total targets for SDG 7
Linkage with Tata Steel SO/SE
SO4Linked Capital
BOTP: Biological Oxygen Treatment Plant
No. of SDG targets relevant for Tata Steel out of the total targets for SDG 8
Linkage with Tata Steel SO/SE
SO2 SO4 SELinked Capital
No. of SDG targets relevant for Tata Steel out of the total targets for SDG 9
Linkage with Tata Steel SO/SE
SO3 SO4 SELinked Capital
No. of SDG targets relevant for Tata Steel out of the total targets for SDG 10
Linkage with Tata Steel SO/SE
SELinked Capital
No. of SDG targets relevant for Tata Steel out of the total targets for SDG 11
Linkage with Tata Steel SO/SE
SO4 SELinked Capital
No. of SDG targets relevant for Tata Steel out of the total targets for SDG 12
Linkage with Tata Steel SO/SE
SO4Linked Capital
ICP: Internal Carbon Pricing
No. of SDG targets relevant for Tata Steel out of the total targets for SDG 13
Linkage with Tata Steel SO/SE
SO4 SELinked Capital
No. of SDG targets relevant for Tata Steel out of the total targets for SDG 15
Linkage with Tata Steel SO/SE
SO4Linked Capital
No. of SDG targets relevant for Tata Steel out of the total targets for SDG 17
Linkage with Tata Steel SO/SE
SO4 SELinked Capital
Financial Capital
Human Capital
Manufactured Capital
Natural Capital
Intellectual Capital
Social and Relationship Capital
SO1 - Leadership in India
SO2 - Consolidate position as global cost leader
SO3 - Attain leadership position in adjacent businesses
SO4 - Leadership in sustainability
EAF: Electric Arc Furnace; CCU: Carbon Capture and Utilisation.