- Research and Development- Research Groups
- Research Facilities
- Research
- Scientific Services
- Refractory Technology Group
- IP Cell & GRP
Scientific Services
Scientific Services comprises a group of laboratories providing testing and metallurgical investigation services. It is an ISO 17025-2005 accredited laboratory. Scientific Services comprises three Chemical laboratories, Physical laboratory, Metallography laboratory and a Raw Material Testing laboratory. It also includes a Service section and an Administrative section involved in providing maintenance and administrative services to R&D and Scientific Services Division.
The main activities of the various laboratories of Scientific Services are as follows:
Metallography Laboratory: Investigation of product defects, including customer complaints from Long products and Flat products area; failure analysis of components from the whole plant, including mines, associated companies as well as other sources; certification of raw materials supplied to company for production.
Physical laboratory: Provides services to Long Product, Flat Product (HSM thick plate), Engineering & Projects / Stores / Foundry / MED in area of mechanical testing and to Metallography lab in investigation and failureanalysis.
CRMT Laboratory: Assessment of Physical & High Temperature characteristics of raw materials, Ferroalloys and their products such as Sinter, Coke, etc.
Chemical Laboratory (RAC #1): Provides chemical analytical services to long product division. Analysis of steel and slag from different stages of steel making and analysis of samples from RPD, WRM and investigation samples from Metallography lab is also done.
Chemical Laboratory (RAC#2): Provides chemical analytical services to flat product division. Analysis of steel and slag from different stages of steel making and analysis of product samples from HSM and blast furnace is also performed.
Chemical Laboratory (RAC#3): Provides chemical analytical services to coke, sinter and iron making division. Analysis of samples of coal, coke, sinter, iron, slag, flux and ferro alloys is also done. This section also has wet chemical, water and lubrication testing facility. A small section of this laboratory is attached with coke plant and provides analytical service to the coke ovens and the by-product plant.
Plant Metallurgical Inspection Group: Quality assurance of various spares in use in the company.