Annexure 'A' to the Directors' Report:

particulars required under the companies (disclosure of particulars in the report of the board of directors) rules, 1988:

Conservation of Energy

  1. Energy Conservation measures taken:
    1. Highest ever power generation through Top Recovery Turbines (TRT) in the Blast Furnaces.
    2. Highest ever steam generation through Coke Dry Quenching in Batteries # 5, 6 & 7.
    3. Use of Pellets at Blast Furnaces to reduce their coke rate.
    4. Efficient use of by-product gases for Power Generation – Highest ever in-house power generation through by-product gases.
    5. Lowest ever Middling Coal and Light Diesel Oil (LDO) consumption.
    6. Energy Audit.
  2. Additional investments and proposal for reduction of consumption of energy:
    1. Commissioning and operation of new LD Gas holder and its export system so as to recover LD Gas from all three (3) Steel Melting Shops at a Benchmark level of 80 Nm3/tcs.
    2. Recovery of sensible heat of coke by installation of Coke Dry Quenching systems in Batteries 10 & 11 at the Coke Plant.
    3. Replacement of one boiler at Power House # 4.
  3. Impact of the above Measures:
  4. Impact of energy conservation measures in Financial Year 2013-14:

    1. Plant specific energy consumption – 6.017 Gcal/tcs
    2. Highest ever power generation through TRT – 23.45 MW
    3. Highest ever steam generation through CDQ – 75.13 tph
    4. Lowest ever middling consumption – 65471 t
    5. Plant Specific Overall Power Rate – 408 Kwh/tss

Form - A

Form for disclosure of particulars with respect to Conservation of energy: 2013-14

  Particulars 2013-14 2012-13 Difference Reasons for variation
1. Electricity
(a) Purchased Units (M. KWH) 3,494.30 3,348.18 146.12 An increase in production resulted in requirement of higher power which was fulfilled by purchasing the same at a rate which was 4% more than the
previous year.
Total Amount (Rs. Lakhs) # 144,235.01 133,144.51 11,090.50
Average Rate/Unit (Rs./KWH) 4.13 3.98 0.15
(b) Own Generation        
(i) Through Diesel Generator Units (M. KWH) 2.64 5.08 (2.44) Lower requirement of diesel due to better availability of power. Distribution of Fixed Cost on lower no. of units and higher diesel prices resulted in a higher cost per unit.
Units per litre of Diesel Oil (KWH) 3.96 3.59 0.37
Average Cost/Unit (Rs./KWH) 47.26 39.13 8.13
(ii) Through Steam Turbine/Generator* Units (M. KWH) 1,093.75 1,074.60 19.15 More utilisation of by product gases, better up keep of the plant and better efficiency factored in increment of 'units of electricity generated through steam turbine' per tonne of 'coal used for power generation'.
Units per tonne of Coal (KWH) 12,681 8,509 4,172.37
Average Cost/Unit (Rs./KWH) 2.49 2.60 (0.11)
(iii) Through TRT Units (M. KWH) 205.40 129.23 76.17 Commissioning of TRT at 1 Blast Furnace in Financial Year 13 last quarter helped in generating more power through TRT.
Average Cost/Unit (Rs./KWH) 2.00 2.00 0.00
2. Coal      
(i) Coking Coal & Cokeries      
Quantity (Million Tonnes) 6.32 5.57 0.75 The cost effect due to rise in Coal quantity requirement due to higher production was diluted due to fall in imported coal prices.
Total cost (Rs. Lakhs) 472,483.58 448,487.37 23,996.21
Average Rate (Rs./Tonnes) 7,472.43 8,057.72 (585.29)
(ii) Blast Furnace Injection Coal        
Quantity (Million Tonnes) 1.20 0.95 0.25
Total cost (Rs. Lakhs) 122,313.05 107,439.33 14,873.72
Average Rate (Rs./Tonnes) 10,153.02 11,303.04 (1,150.02)
(iii) Middling Coal and ROM      
Quantity (Million Tonnes) 0.07 0.11 (0.05) Lower midding requirement due to higher and more regular use of by product gases.
Total cost (Rs. Lakhs) 1,293.51 1,990.41 (696.90)
Average Rate (Rs./Tonne) 1,882.45 1,732.00 150.45
3. Furnace Oil        
Quantity (Kilo Litres) 13,445.52 13,063.84 381.68
Total Amount (Rs. Lakhs) 5,936.20 5,492.49 443.72
Average Rate (Rs./KL) 44,150.05 42,043.44 2,106.61
4. Others      
Quantity (Kilo Litres) 1,339.00 2,583.00 (1,244.00) Reasonably lower power interruptions than the previous year brought down requirement of LDO for Diesel Generator significantly.
Total cost (Rs. Lakhs) 845.01 1,512.09 (667.08)
Average Rate (Rs./KL) 63,107.74 58,540.20 4,567.53
5. Others        
Quantity (Tonnes) 7,221.53 7,644.60 (423.07)
Total cost (Rs. Lakhs) 4,825.91 4,627.98 197.93
Average Rate (Rs./Tonnes) 66,826.70 60,539.20 6,287.49
6. Others      
HSD. Oil
Quantity (Kilo Litres) 113.98 80.81 33.17 Rise in quantity due to a number of CO gas line shutdowns in the last quarter in the Tubes Division. HSD had to be fired to keep the Galvanising baths hot.
Total cost (Rs. Lakhs) 60.52 36.81 23.71
Average Rate (Rs./KL) 53,094.38 45,551.29 7,543.09
# Excludes electricity duty paid on purchases.
* Power generation is gas based. Coal is used only in case of shortage of gases/shutdown blast furnaces. Electricity per tonne of coal represents total electricity (including gas based) divided by coal used for electricity generation.
Particulars Steel Tubes Bearings F.A.M.D Growth Shop CRC West Wire Div.
  (per tonne) (per tonne) (per no.) (per tonne) (per tonne) (per tonne) (per tonne)
Electricity (KWH) 408.00 108.00 0.36 3,741.81 260.41 73.96 193.65
  (416.00) (107.00) (0.38) (3,741.29) (537.68) (84.03) (209.22)
Furnace Oil (Litres)   0.04     4.54 3.60 22.53
    (0.05)     (13.59) (3.61) (21.10)
Coking Coal (Tonnes)* 0.60            
Light Diesel Oil (Litres) 0.12           1.25
  (0.27)           (1.66)
High Speed Diesel Oil (Litres)   0.28          
L.P.G. (kg)           9.11 18.04
            (9.61) (19.46)
  * Coal Consumed in HMC for producing Coke has not been considered for this calculation.