Responsible Behaviour - ENVIRONMENT
A 3 MW solar power plant at Noamundi iron ore mine
Steel-manufacturing process depends on as
well as impacts natural resources. Coal, iron
ore, ferro alloys and water are key inputs
to our iron and steel-making processes,
resulting in emissions (e.g. CO2 , dust and
other gases), discharge of effluents and solid
waste generation. Due to our captive mines
and collieries, we have a significant impact
on the natural ecosystem and biodiversity in
our mining locations. We are exploring the
opportunities for increasing the utilisation
of LD slag, which is a problem for steel
manufacturers across the globe, through
market-based solutions.
With consumer consciousness and community
expectations growing in the area of
environmental performance, we have begun
to focus more on product stewardship and
environmental declarations for our products.
Taking forward the learnings from the TSJ
plant, the TSK plant has in place state-ofthe-
art technologies and new facilities have
been designed for minimal carbon and water
Butterfly park at Noamundi
`544 Cr.
Capital spend on
SO4, SG1, SG2
- CO2 emission
- Water consumption & effluent
- Solid waste utilization
- Biodiversity
- Dust emission
Key Enablers and Initiatives
Responsible Behaviour: Environment
Increasing LD Slag Utilisation
- Started Material Reclamation Plant (MRP) at TSK and upgradation
of MRP at TSJ to recover metallic matter from LD slag and
- Developed new markets/applications for LD slag
- Launched branded LD slag products – Tata Aggreto and Tata
Nirman – in January 2018
impact created
- Year-on-year increase in the utilisation of LD slag (TSJ*
and TSK figures are given below):
- FY 2015-16* – 43%
- FY 2016-17* – 53%
- FY 2017-18* – 59% (TSK – 56%)
- Avoided excess landfill
Responsible Behaviour: Environment
CO2 Emission Reduction
1. Sustain carbon efficiency in iron making
impact created
- Specific energy intensity (national
- Sustained energy efficiency in FY 2017-18:
5.674 Gcal/TCS
- Sustained CO2 emissions performance in
FY 2017-18: 2.30 tCO2 /TCS
2. Integrate climate change mitigation into
business decision making
Continued to implement internal carbon pricing
(shadow price of CO2) in the financial appraisal
of capital projects. One of the first Indian steel
companies to do so.
impact created
- Fast-tracked environmental projects
- Directed investments towards low carbon growth
- Brand enhancement
3. TSK: Ramp-up Top Recovery Turbine (18 MW)
Commission CDQ (12 MW)
Start pulverised coal injection in 2017
Optimise fuel use due to ramp-up
- Over 0.6 MnTPA dry-quenched coke used by blast furnaces
- Used 3,58,723 t of Pulverised Coal Injection (PCI) in the blast furnace
(123kg/t of hot metal)
- Reduced coke rate in blast furnaces to 434 kg/thm in FY 2017-18 versus
561 kg/thm in FY 2016-17
impact created
- Following ramp-up in FY 2017-18, 14% reduction in CO2
intensity at TSK
4. Raw material locations: Commission 3 MW solar power plant at
Use biodiesel in iron ore mines
- Generated 37,98,022 kWh solar power during FY 2017-18
- Used 18% biodiesel in Joda and Khondbond mines during October 2017
impact created
- Offset 3,038 tCO2 through solar energy
- 3% of the Renewable Purchase Obligations (RPOs) met through
own generation in FY 2017-18
- Replaced 104 KL of diesel with biodiesel and offset 300
tonnes of CO2
Responsible Behaviour: Environment
Blast Furnace Slag Utilisation and Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS)
1. Application in manufacturing of
Portland cement, glass, mineral wool
insulation, replacement of sand, etc.
Granulated and sold 98.5% of blast
furnace slag to the cement plant to
replace clinker by more than 60% in
cement making
impact created
- Utilised 100% wet granulated slag
in cement making, avoiding fugitive
air emissions during transportation
2. Enhance value of products
GreenPro Certification awarded to Tata Steel’s
GGBS by CII-GBC, Hyderabad. Tata Steel is one
of the first companies in India to get the green
product certification for GGBS. GreenPro is a
CII-awarded green label that enables wider
acceptance by environment-conscious customers
impact created
- Achieved highest-ever sales for GGBS of
16.5 KT, replacing equivalent quantity of
Portland cement
3. Improve availability
of processed slag
and closely monitor
and control effective
utilisation of sinter
plant assets
impact created
- Recycled ~98% of
waste in the ironmaking
Responsible Behaviour: Environment
Niche Nesting
Progressively implemented Biodiversity Management
Plans (BMPs) at raw material locations in partnership with
the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
- Developed biodiversity management plans for each mining
- Planted around 1,90,000 saplings of 45 species
- Installed over 400 nest boxes to enhance birds’ nesting niche
at the Noamundi iron ore mine
- Used the globally recognised tool – Biodiversity Indicator
and Reporting System (BIRS) for habitat enhancement
monitoring and reporting
impact created
- Began systematic action, monitoring and reporting
on biodiversity enhancement
- Promoted diversity in plantation and discouraged
monoculture at each site
Reducing Freshwater Intake
Over the last decade, several initiatives have been taken at
TSJ, including infrastructure upgradation for increasing water
recycling and reuse and augmentation of rainwater harvesting
within and beyond the fence. Apart from these, multiple
improvement projects were undertaken, as listed below:
- Metering and on-line monitoring
- Departmental water audits
- Replacement of freshwater with recovery water in low-end
- Improved utilisation of recycling assets (Common Effluent
Treatment Plant (CETP), effluent pumping and catch pits)
The major capital projects include commissioning of six catch
pits and capacity enhancement of the existing catchment area.
impact created
- 35% reduction in water consumption in the last
five years. At TSK, the focus has been on increasing
water recycling through improvement in the CETP
performance, improvement in Biological Oxygen
Demand (BOD) treatment and better diagnosis of
leakage and remediation at blast furnaces and hot
strip mills
Reducing Dust Emissions
At TSJ, several improvement measures along with capital
investment projects were undertaken to reduce dust
emissions. These include upgradation of the existing Air
Pollutant Control Equipment (APCE) and torch-cutting
and fume-extraction system at Metal Recovery and Slag
Processing Plant (MRSPP) commissioned in
FY 2016-17 at `16.6 Cr.
impact created
- Maintained air emissions of TSJ at a level of 5 MnTPA
while producing 10 MnTPA
Central effluent treatment plant: Reducing water footprint
Responsible Behaviour: Environment
Conserving and Enhancing Biodiversity
Assessment of leasehold areas to monitor the biodiversity
and habitat enhancements using the Biodiversity Indicator
and Reporting System (BIRS) tool
Tata Steel and IUCN have been working together since July 2013
and phase-I of our engagement culminated with the launch of
the Company-level biodiversity policy and the finalisation of
Biodiversity Management Plans (BMPs) for each of the mining sites
of Tata Steel. In 2016, Tata Steel entered into phase-II of engagement
with IUCN for roll-out of BMPs at all mining sites.
In 2017, Tata Steel became the first company to monitor BMP
implementation progress using the Biodiversity Indicator and
Reporting System (BIRS) tool.
BIRS is a simple system for assessing the overall biodiversity
suitability of a defined site having different habitat types, expressed
as ‘Site Biodiversity Condition Class’, on a scale of 1-10. It considers
the area of every habitat type on a site, the ecological condition
of these habitats (including enhancements and threats) and the
uniqueness and ecological importance of each habitat in the
regional context.
A rise in the calculated index value and especially an increase in the
Site Biodiversity Condition Class, from one assessment to the next,
would show an overall enhancement of the suitability of a site for
biodiversity, while a decrease would signal a lowering of the site’s
value for biodiversity.
Assessment Review
- Feedback from the IUCN Regional Office and Country Office
- Feedback from the Tata Steel Senior Management
Key Development
Tata Steel conducted extensive BIRS assessments in 2017 at all
mining sites. During the assessment, we identified site-specific
key threats to biodiversity. Based on the BIRS report, Tata Steel
is implementing measures to mitigate the threats, thereby
contributing to the biodiversity enhancement of the site.
Way Forward
- BIRS will continue to be used for regular and standardised
reporting on changes to biodiversity conditions
- Moving towards no net loss in biodiversity at its raw
material location
IUCN: International Union for Conservation of Nature
Plantation in the mined-out area of hill 1 and 2 in Noamundi: Reducing the ecological
Hibiscus park at Noamundi
Noamundi iron ore mine
Responsible Behaviour: Environment
Making the Best of By-products
– LD Slag
Increasing the utilisation of by-products, especially LD slag,
and introducing branded by-products, Tata Aggreto and
Tata Nirman
The objective of our Industrial By-product Management Division (IBMD) is to
deliver maximum value from our industrial by-products.
Exploring the Opportunities of a Circular Economy: Last year, IBMD
processed ~13 MnT, of which ~6.8 MnT is slag from iron and steel-making.
18% slag was utilised internally in sinter making and another ~62% was used
externally, mostly in cement making, reducing CO2 emissions from clinker
making while conserving natural resources (limestone). We are currently
exploring strategies and avenues to bring back the balance 20%, which is mostly
steel-making slag, as part of a circular economy.
The steel-making slag is finding application in other industries such as cement,
civil construction, road-making, railway ballast, etc. Our intent is to standardise
processing to deliver consistent product specifications to make them suitable
for various external applications.
We have achieved the highest ever steel-making slag utilisation during the
year at TSJ at the rate of 59%. We have successfully derived value from various
streams of by-products and maximising this presents a great opportunity.
Deriving value from by-products
Launched branded LD slag brands:
- Tata Aggreto was launched in January
2018 for the sale of steel-making slag
with a promise to provide superior,
ready-to-use material with consistent
sizes. This product replaces natural
aggregate for road making. With the
focus on road building in India, this could
open up a new window for the Company.
- Tata Nirman was launched for usage
as raw material in fly ash brick making
(replacing sand as filler and limestone
as binder) and clinker making (replacing
limestone to the quantity consumed).
Major initiatives pursued
through partnerships for
the future
- De-bottlenecking the
present wet and dry cycle
weathering facility at
- Open-steam aging at TSJ
and TSK
- Closed-steam aging system
at TSJ and TSK
- Dedicated testing lab at TSJ
for quality control of Tata
- Slag atomisation at TSK
Responsible Behaviour: Environment
Way Forward
To demonstrate environmental leadership in the
short and long term, we will pursue time-bound
actions directed at the following:
- Reducing carbon footprint across the value
chain (< 2tCO2/tcs) by 2025
- Moving towards zero effluent discharge for Tata
Steel India
- Moving towards world benchmark for specific
water consumption at < 3 m3/tcs at TSJ
- Utilising LD Slag at 90% for Tata Steel India by
Our Performance
Steel-making sites (primary/ secondary) excl. downstream (as per worldsteel guidelines) |
Particulars |
Absolute Emission |
UoM |
2013-14 |
2014-15 |
2015-16 |
2016-17 |
2017-18 |
India (TSJ and TSK) |
Scope-1 |
MnT CO2 |
20.46 |
21.10 |
21.02 |
25.53 |
26.33 |
Scope-1.1 |
MnT CO2 |
2.33 |
2.27 |
2.31 |
3.69 |
4.07 |
Scope-2 |
MnT CO2 |
0.73 |
0.72 |
0.74 |
1.11 |
1.15 |
Scope-3 |
MnT CO2 |
-0.87 |
-1.08 |
-1.19 |
-2.21 |
-1.99 |
Overall |
MnT CO2 |
22.65 |
23.02 |
22.89 |
28.11 |
29.55 |
Europe (incl. UK) |
Overall |
MnT CO2 |
27.79 |
26.96 |
25.48 |
19.27 |
19.18 |
South East Asia (Tata Steel Thailand and NatSteel) |
Overall |
MnT CO2 |
0.98 |
0.91 |
0.98 |
0.91 |
1.01 |
Kalinganagar Steel Plant was commissioned in 2016-17 followed by ramp-up process
Responsible Behaviour - COMMUNITY
The first-ever tribal musical conclave, ‘Sarjom Baa’
The mining and metals business impacts
the environment and communities around
its area of operation. Our manufacturing
and Raw Materials (RM) operations are in
the eastern part of the country, having
significant development challenges
compared to the rest of the country.
Tata Steel actively engages with communities
to respond to the development challenges
in its operating areas through Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives ranging
across themes such as health, education and
livelihood, along with initiatives in drinking
water, sanitation, sports, empowerment,
infrastructure creation and ethnicity. Our CSR
approach is based on the needs assessed
through community engagement.
(Refer Page 23)
While addressing the major challenges
faced by communities, we focus on
signature programmes aimed at creating
development models that can be replicated
at scale and adopted across geographies
with similar issues. Programmes such as
Maternal & Newborn Survival Initiative
(MANSI), enhancing school education and
Samvaad are some examples of signature
programmes that have been deployed in
large geographies.
> 1 Million
Lives impacted through Health,
Education, Livelihood and other
community initiatives
SO4, SG4
- Impact based CSR in areas of
- Health
- Education
- Skill development
- Sustainable livelihood
- Sports & Ethnicity
Key Enablers and Initiatives
Responsible Behaviour: Community / Rural
Skill Development
SABAL: Persons with Disabilities (PwDs)
face discrimination and stigma in their
lives (including from their own families
and society) that restricts them in
acquiring skills for a gainful employment
SABAL Centre for Abilities at Noamundi was
created to empower PwDs through skilling
programmes, which help mainstream them
as well as sensitise communities to enable
PwDs to lead productive and dignified lives.
The centre is a joint venture of Tata Steel Skill
Development Society (TSSDS) and Enable
impact created
- 28 PwDs empowered through
training on skills
- 15 persons (including six PwDs)
underwent the Training of Trainers
(ToT) module in FY 2017-18
SABAL: Centre for Abilities
Empowering through skilling
Responsible Behaviour: Community / Rural
1. Enhancing School Education: To bring
out-of-school children from vulnerable
backgrounds in the fold of education and
also to improve the foundation of learning
in Government primary schools
The project intends to implement Right to
Education by increasing the access of children
to school, by improving the quality of primary
education in Government schools as well as
ensuring better governance through School
Management Committees (SMCs).
impact created
- The initiative reached out to around
2,00,000 children across 2,800 habitations
in Odisha and Jharkhand by the end of
FY 2017-18
- 1,165 habitations have been made child
labour free zones by the end of FY 2017-18
- In Odisha, school functioning has
improved, with up to 90% attendance
in some schools, regular PTA meetings,
quality mid-day meals and active libraries,
school projects, Bal Panchayats and
children’s festivals
2. Residential Bridging Schools: To provide
a safe and conducive residential school
atmosphere to children from vulnerable
backgrounds and link them to the formal
education system
Tata Steel operates two all-girls schools at Pipla
and Noamundi and an all-boys school (Masti Ki
Pathshala) at Jamshedpur. The schools provide
residential bridge courses for out-of-school
children to re-integrate them into the formal
schooling system.
impact created
- The three schools put together, 319 children
have benefited in FY 2017-18
3. 30 Model Schools: To enable children from
Educationally Backward Blocks (EBBs)
to avail quality government educational
Tata Steel has entered into a Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU) with the government of
Odisha to construct 30 Model Schools in
30 different blocks in the state to provide quality
secondary education in EBBs. A total of nine Model
Schools have been constructed and handed over
to the state government so far, of which six were
handed over in FY 2017-18.
impact created
- Benchmark infrastructure has facilitated
proper environment for learning among
over 5,000 rural children in the nine Model
Improving the quality
of education
Responsible Behaviour: Community / Rural
Vaarta: A farmer’s
conclave to enable
sustainability and
profitability of agriculture
Sustainable Livelihoods
Productivity improvement in agriculture and
allied activities: Agriculture is the mainstay
for the population in Jharkhand and Odisha.
However, due to lack of knowledge about
scientific agrarian practices, many farmers in the
two states do not consider agriculture and allied
activities as full-time and profitable occupations.
Tata Steel adopts a multi-pronged strategy to
promote sustainable livelihood options among small
and marginal farmers. They are capacitated with new
skills and knowledge to improve production practices
through regular training programmes.
Scientific agrarian practices (System of Rice Intensification (SRI),
multi-cropping, integrated cropping, etc.) and allied
activities (pisciculture, lac culture, duck rearing, etc.)
are also promoted among farmers. As dependence
on rain limits the agriculture potential of the farmers
in the two states, Tata Steel also provides them with
irrigation facilities (ponds, check dams, etc.) that help
increase cropping intensity.
impact created
- Increase in paddy yield by almost 1 tonne/acre
Responsible Behaviour: Community / Rural
1. Maternal & Newborn Survival Initiative (MANSI): Lack
of easy access to institutional care (during pregnancy,
delivery and post pregnancy) and low level of awareness
about proper care for mothers and babies lead to mortality
among neonates (less than 1 month old) and infants (less
than 1 year old) in remote rural areas.
MANSI reduces mortality among neonates and infants by
enhancing the capacity of Government health volunteers
(ASHAs/Sahiyas) in the Home Based Newborn Care (HBNC)
system. Tata Steel, the National Health Mission (NHM), American
India Foundation (AIF) and the Society for Education Action and
Research in Community Health (SEARCH) – the pioneer of HBNC
in India – have collaborated in this public-private partnership,
working in 12 blocks across Jharkhand and Odisha.
impact created
- Reduction in Neonatal Mortality Rate (NMR) – 61% since
- Reduction in Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) – 63% since
(Based on the study from the period January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015)
2. Regional Initiative for Safe Sexual Health by Today’s
Adolescents (RISHTA): Illiteracy and low level of awareness
in rural areas lead to instances of early marriage and early
parenthood, which have health-related as well as social
and financial implications.
Project RISHTA enables adolescents to make informed choices
about their sexual and reproductive health and overall
well-being as well as provides coaching on life skills and
impact created
- Increased awareness about adolescent reproductive
and sexual health in communities and improved overall
health of adolescents by identifying and training peer
educators among them (more than 700 developed in
FY 2017-18)
- Reached out to 19,601 adolescents in FY 2017-18
- Launched the RISHTA mobile application for profiling
adolescents in FY 2017-18
Providing institutional care to mothers,
neonates and infants
Nurturing informed adolescents
Responsible Behaviour: Community / Rural
Samvaad - A Tribal Conclave
1. Samvaad: Tribal communities across geographies find
deep roots in their traditional heritage, wisdom and
culture, which often hold valuable insights for their
identity as well as a sustainable way or life for the rest
of the society. Hence, there is a need to preserve and
promote this knowledge and enable their voices to
be heard.
The annual tribal conclave, Samvaad, offers a platform for
indigenous communities from India and abroad to discuss
critical issues and showcase their heritage. Each year, Samvaad
focusses on a specific theme centred around an area of
interest for tribal communities. Samvaad also reaches out to a
wider audience among tribal communities through Regional
Samvaad events organised in tribal pockets across India. All
events in Samvaad are attended by luminaries of national and
international stature who have worked on aspects of tribal and
social development.
impact created
- Regional Samvaad events held in 2017 at Wayanad
(Kerala), Netrang (Gujarat), Guwahati (Assam),
Amarkantak (Madhya Pradesh), Ranchi (Jharkhand) and
Bhubaneswar (Odisha)
- Samvaad 2017 focussed on instilling leadership in
tribal youth and was attended by many distinguished
personalities working on development issues, including
a Nobel Laureate
- Samvaad 2017 drew over 1,200 delegates representing
tribal communities from India and abroad, with a firstever
international flavour, with representatives of tribes
from Australia, Canada, Kenya and Zimbabwe
- More than 400 tribal youth representing 103 tribes
from 22 states went through a structured leadership
programme during Samvaad 2017 that encouraged them
to take leadership roles within their communities – these
included around 100 youth engaged through a specially
designed Tribal Leadership Programme earlier in 2017
2. Youth Empowerment through Sports (Football and Hockey):
Communities residing in Tata Steel’s operational areas have a
natural inclination and talent for certain sports (e.g. football
and hockey). There is a need to discover and hone this talent,
which could provide career options to rural tribal youth.
Also, age-old tribal sports (e.g. Sekkor and Kati) that are
integral to tribal heritage have lost their prominence over
the years and therefore need to be preserved.
- To train budding football talent from remote locations of the
Company’s operational areas, Tata Steel runs 31 under-10 football
coaching centres.
- As part of the grassroots hockey development programme,
Tata Steel operates 20 hockey centres in West Singhbhum, East
Singhbhum and Seraikela-Kharsawan districts of Jharkhand.
- Hooking2Hockey involves training of students in the stick game
through engaging modules; the programme implemented
through 13 centres in Jharkhand and Odisha is designed by
Hockey Australia, the governing body of hockey in Australia.
- Tata Steel consistently made efforts to revive and promote
traditional tribal sports such as Kati, Sekkor, Chhur, Bahu Chor and Ramdel by organising tournaments among tribal
communities in Jharkhand and Odisha.
impact created
- 22 cadets from the football and hockey training centres
selected for sports academies (Minerva Punjab Academy,
Chandigarh; United Sports Club Academy, Kolkata and
Army Boys Sports Company-Bihar Regiment Centre-
Danapur, an infantry of the Indian Army and Naval Tata
Hockey Academy)
- 950 children covered under the grassroots hockey
development programmes (including hockey centres and
the Hooking2Hockey initiative) in FY 2017-18
- First-ever Sekkor Premier League drew 2,300 players from
villages in Jharkhand in FY 2017-18
- The second edition of Kati Premier League drew 1,890
players from villages in Jharkhand and Odisha in
FY 2017-18
- Total 55,963 youth engaged through popular sports
and tribal sports
Responsible Behaviour: Community / Urban
1. Urban Amentities: Jamshedpur is the only million-plus city
in India without a municipal corporation, with Tata Steel
providing all amenities, such as power, water, sewage and
sanitation, resulting in high Quality of Life (QoL) for its
citizens. Tata Steel has ensured that the challenges posed by
the surge in urban growth and aspiration for a world-class
city with the best QoL in India have progressively been met.
The Company consistently focusses on managing key urban
amenities and resources efficiently and responsibly to make
them available and affordable for the citizens. On metrics of
QoL assessed by AC Neilson, Jamshedpur is neck to neck, and
sometimes exceeding the likes of Chandigarh, with an eQ
index of 88 and QoL index of 101 in FY 2017-18.
About 20 km of main roads have been de-congested through
widening, including the creation of dividers, roundabouts and
footpaths, over the last 3 years; 100% of streets are lighted.
impact created
- This drive was taken primarily to ensure safe and smooth flow
of traffic in town. Similar such projects are underway in the
current year as well
2. Green City: Jamshedpur is known for its parks and gardens,
which are an integral part since the conception of the city.
Eight new parks have been created in the last 3 years.
impact created
- This has provided citizens an opportunity to be physically
active and also reduces the Urban Heat Island Effect 37.54% –
highest among industrial towns
3. Medical Services: Tata Steel runs a 1,000-bed modern
tertiary-care hospital supported by eight Tata Memorial
Hospital (TMH) clinics spread across Jamshedpur and
has established a 200-bed Tata Steel Medical Hospital
at Kalinganagar. TMHs are also located at Jamadoba,
Noamundi, Sukinda, West Bokaro and Joda. These facilities
meet the needs not only of the employees and their families,
but also of the communities around our areas of operations.
Upgradation of all key infrastructure is in progress to meet the
growing needs of the town and provide quality services. Adoption
of NPS to capture customer feedback and actionable points for
improvement has resulted in a perceptible improvement. The
Company ensures extended availability of specialists and services
to the community during the evening hours. Commenced TMH
The team comprises over 2,000 trained professionals, including over
350 doctors, 700 nurses and 150 paramedics.
impact created
- 1.64 million OPD patients (including TMH clinics), 62,000
indoor admissions and around 19,000 surgeries and
- TMH Prime has more than 67,000 OPD consultations,
around 3,000 procedures and surgeries and 11,000 patients
undergoing diagnostics
Our Performance
Youth placed / self-employed |
(Nos.) |
Farmers covered through
improved agricultural productivity |
(Nos.) |
Responsible Behaviour: Community/Sports
Naval Tata Hockey Academy: Providing a platform to budding sportspersons
Tata Steel engages employees, their families and the community in sporting activities. Tata Steel has been a promoter of sports – having built
training centres for football, archery, hockey, mountain climbing, athletics, badminton, etc. The recent addition of a Tata-owned football club
– Jamshedpur Football Club (JFC) – and matches of the Indian Super League (ISL) in Jamshedpur and Bhubaneswar have added to the sports
orientation of the community.
1. Marathons
Tata Steel Kolkata 25K, a 25-km Run that has a social cause at
its heart, supporting the Tata Medical Centre, a cancer hospital
in Kolkata, was commenced four years back. Tata Steel has also
organised running events in Jamshedpur and Noamundi (both
in Jharkhand) and Bhubaneswar (Odisha).
impact created
- Seeing increasing participation, enhanced community
connect through increased health consciousness
2. Naval Tata Hockey Academy
Tata Steel and Tata Trust, along with Floris Jan Bovelander
(Director of ‘One Million Hockey Legs’), joined hands in 2017 to
promote hockey in the state of Jharkhand in a formalised way to
form ‘The Naval Tata Hockey Academy’. The hockey stadium has
a world-class astro turf for practice and tournaments. There is a
special focus on the tribal community.
impact created
- From around 4,500 boys, 24 tribal boys were selected
for the first batch
3. Tata Archery Academy
The Company continues to nurture
the Tata Archery Academy. The
Academy was established on
October 4, 1996 with the aim
to identify and train potential
talented youth, particularly from
Jharkhand, to achieve success at
national and international meets.
The cadets are provided a worldclass
ecosystem – highest quality
infrastructure and highly qualified
coaches and support staff (including
Strength and Conditioning Coach,
Sports Psychologist, Nutritionist
and Masseurs). The cadets are also
provided with the highest quality
archery equipment every year with an
expenditure of ₹1.5 lakh per cadet.
impact created
- Over the last 16 years, the
Academy has trained 127 cadets,
45 of whom have represented
India at various levels. Its most
popular student is Deepika
Kumari, who has made it to the
world’s top ranks in the sport.
The Academy has an enthused
community that identifies
closely with the sport of archery.
4. Tata Football Academy (TFA)
TFA was established in 1987 to
train and nurture budding Indian
footballers. TFA identifies and shortlists
raw talent from all over the country.
Selected candidates join up for a
four-year residential programme. The
Academy is now reaping the benefits
from linkages with JFC.
impact created
- Till date, of the 213 cadets
graduated from TFA, 141 have
represented the country. TFA
cadets have also captained the
Indian football team (in different
age groups) and two former
cadets have won the Arjuna
Award. There are 28 ex-cadets
participating in the current season
of the ISL
5. Tata Steel Adventure Foundation
Established in 1984 and headed by
Bachendri Pal, India’s first woman
to climb Mt. Everest, the TSAF is
all about promoting the spirit of
adventure and enterprise and
leadership development. Not less
than seven TSAF beneficiaries have
managed to conquer Mt. Everest.
impact created
- TSAF works with rural youth;
more than 3,000 of them have
benefited from TSAF’s outdoor
leadership programme. It has
helped several enterprising
mountaineers, including
Premlata Agarwal, who became
the oldest Indian woman to
climb Mt. Everest at 48 years
of age. Arunima Sinha, who
lost her leg in a train accident,
became the first female
amputee in the world to climb
Mt. Everest.
6. Jamshedpur Football Club (JFC)
Tata Steel formed the JFC with
Jamshedpur as the host city and
participated in the ISL. The team
brought together some of India’s top
talent, promising youngsters and
experienced foreign players. Tata
Steel has shown its seriousness by
upping its budget for football from
₹20 million a couple of years ago to
around ₹300 million now.
impact created
- The larger intent behind JFC is to
enhance the overall ecosystem
of football, including grassroots
football, youth football and
women’s football, and to help
improve the infrastructure
and training and development
practices in the game. There is
overwhelming excitement and
support from the community.
Tata Archery Academy
Tata Football Academy
Jamshedpur Football Club (JFC)