The six capitals represent the resources and relationships that we depend on to create value. Judiciously managing the capitals is key to meeting our strategic objectives.
Financial Capital
We generate financial capital in the form of surplus arising from current business operations as well as through financing activities, which include restructuring of debts aligned with market conditions and other investments.
Manufactured Capital
We continuously invest in our integrated steel plants, our iron-making, steel-making and rolling facilities and warehouses, along with logistics operations, while ensuring the safety and reliability of our operations.
Intellectual Capital
Our focus on innovation and research reinforces our drive for operational efficiency and resource optimisation, while adhering to the Standard Operating Procedures. We incorporate customer requirements in our product development, while also collaborating with experts for our Research and Development efforts.
Human Capital
Our people form the core of our operations. We invest in employee welfare and happiness to drive performance excellence. Our work culture ensures safety, health, competency enhancement, and the overall well-being of our employees.
Natural Capital
We depend on natural resources such as iron ore, coal and other minerals, which constitute our key raw materials. At the same time, land and water are indispensable for our operations. We strive for excellence in environmental performance and resource efficiency to mitigate our ecological footprint.
Our communities, customers and suppliers are critical to our social license to operate and business continuity. We believe in building long-term, transparent and trust-based relationships with them through continuous stakeholder engagement and innovation.